Aerial view of overpopulated Gardi Sugdub, or Crab island, in the San Blas archipelago, Panama. Photo by Lalo de Almeida/Folhapress

Climate Crisis

Journalists visited several world locations to show climate change impact through human stories


April 2018


Folha de S.Paulo


Folha's Interactive Journalism team


Coding & Design


Another partnership between Folha's Interactive Journalism team and special reporters and photographers to relay critical special features with stunning visuals and great performance.

From the project's summary, published in English, Spanish and Portuguese:

Evidence of global climate change is increasingly irrefutable, with the accumulation of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Folha visited three continents to explore the impact of climate change on people's lives. The resulting nine-part series assesses the costs of adapting to a new reality — before it is too late.

The opening photo is the aerial view of overpopulated Gardi Sugdub, or Crab island, in the San Blas archipelago, Panama, from Lalo de Almeida/Folhapress. This island will disappear in the coming years because of global warming.

Development details

First, this was 2018, and Folha de S.Paulo had a lot of technical difficulties in implementing new technology, and we couldn't use any database — only static files.

It's funny how now I know every keyword to explain what we built with sweat and blood at that time. Today I can say: we developed a Static Site Generation framework with class-based React that generated static HTML, CSS and JS on build time.

When the journalists needed to update the content, they'd use an in-house system that read and saved a Json that posed as a database — exported on a different server.

The user would get a plain HTML that would be quickly revalidated with any new content after loading the Json — having a very fast First Content Paint and, at the same time, updated information.

This was our own way to do what Next.JS and Gatsby did some time later — but without the funding and the tech community's hype.

We also heavily adapted New York Times' AI2HTML to generate HTML5 responsive infographics from Adobe Illustrator.

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