Cover of the podcast by Silva João

Cronofobia Podcast

A daily podcast with 500+ episodes in Brazilian Portuguese


January 2022


Personal project.


Me 😬 and some guests in selected episodes


Writing, speaking & audio editing.


As a personal project, I decided to publish bite-sized podcast episodes in a daily basis through my year. The format changed a little as time passed, but the project lived until August 12th 2023.

Answering any question from anyone

The format was simple: any person could ask any question anonymously or not through a form in a website. I would get these questions, list them, and answer one by one in a mini podcast — 5 to 10 minutes per episode, tops.

That fueled 525 episodes with themes ranging from polyamory, through communism, to food options in Germany.

I recorded with family, friends, and professional contacts, but most of it is me and a microphone — and an automated editing workflow.

The podcast is recorded in Brazilian Portuguese and still can be listened to at Spotify Podcasts — it has an RSS feed also, for other podcast players.

Cover arts

From the third season to today

The current art was created by the artist Silva João, with whom I published the comic Combo Breaker (read for free)

Cronophobia by Silva João

Second season

The cover was made by the tattoo artist Janaína Sirena

Cronophobia by Janaína Sirena

First season

There wasn't a cover until the illustrator RAVAEL (aka msrapoo) gave me one!

Cronophobia by Ravael msrapoo


Contact me anytime
